This article details one component in a larger series about the Subscription Manager. For an overview take a look at Subscription Manager Components & Containers.

Send Now gives the customer the option to send their next upcoming order right away. The code for the popup modal can be found in send-now.liquid.

<div class="og-send-shipment-now-button">
  <button class="og-button" type="button" @click={{ 'show_closest_modal' | js }}>
    {{ 'shipment_send_now_button' | t }}

 <dialog aria-hidden="true">
  <form action="{{ 'send_now' | action }}" @success={{ 'close_closest_modal' | js }} @reset={{ 'close_closest_modal' | js }}>
   <div class="og-dialog-header">
    <h5 class="og-dialog-title">{{ 'modal_send_now_header' | t }}</h5>
    <button class="og-button og-button-close" type="reset" aria-label="{{ 'modal_close' | t }}">
     {{ 'modal_close' | t }}
   </div>{# /og-dialog-header #}

   <div class="og-dialog-body">
    <input type="hidden" name="order" value="{{order.public_id}}"/>
      {{ 'modal_send_now_body' | t }}
   </div>{# /og-dialog-body #}

   <div class="og-dialog-footer">
     <button class="og-button" type="submit" name="send_now">{{ 'modal_send_now_save' | t }}</button>
   </div>{# /og-dialog-footer #}
</div>{# /og-send-shipment-now-button #}