Orders Processing Section
This section controls the grouping of all items that are about to be sent to the customer. Editing this section should be done in Views > orders-processing.liquid.
For an overview of all elements, take a look at Subscription Manager Components & Containers.
Main Area
The Main area is divided into 2 parts:

{# Upcoming orders entry point #}
<section id="og-sent-shipments" aria-labelledby="shipments-sent-header">
{# Iterate over all orders #}
{% for order in orders | select(status='SEND_NOW') %}
{# The markup within this if block is displayed for all sent orders #}
{# If at least one sent order exists, display a sent shipment header #}
{% if index == 0 %}
<h1 class="og-title" id="shipments-sent-header">{{ 'shipment_sent_processing' | t }}</h1>
<div class="og-sent-shipment-info"></div>
{% endif %}
{% set current_order_items = order_items | select(order=order.public_id) %}
{% set payment = payments | find(id=order.payment) %}
{% set shipping_address = addresses | find(id=order.shipping_address) %}
<div class="og-sent-shipment">
{# Shipment body #}
</div>{# /og-sent-shipment #}
{% endfor %}
Sent Shipment
Sent Shipment contains 2 sub areas:

<div class="og-shipment-body">
{# Iterate over all order items in the order #}
{% for order_item in current_order_items %}
{% set product = products | find(id=order_item.product) %}
{% set subscription = subscriptions | find(id=order_item.subscription) %}
{# Order item #}
<div class="og-product" og-item-id="{{ order_item.public_id }}" og-subscription-id="{{ order_item.subscription }}">
{% if product %}
<div class="og-product-image-container">
<img class="og-product-image" loading="lazy" alt="{{ product.name }}" src="{{ product.image_url | if_defined }}" />
<div class="og-name-price-controls-container">
<div class="og-description-and-controls">
<div class="og-product-description">
<h3 class="og-product-name">
<a href="{{ product.detail_url | if_defined }}">{{ product.name }}</a>
<h5 class="og-product-display-name">{{ product.display_name }}</h5>
</div>{# /og-product-description #}
<div class="og-price">
{# The markup within this if block is displayed if the final #}
{# price represents a discount from the original price #}
{% if order_item.show_original_price %}
<span class="og-base-unit-price">{{ order_item.price | currency }}</span>
{% endif %}
<span class="og-final-unit-price">{{ (order_item.total_price / order_item.quantity) | currency }}</span>
<span>{{ 'product_price_each' | t }}</span>
</div>{# /og-price #}
</div>{# /og-description-and-controls #}
{# Quantity control #}
<div class="og-freq-quantity-controls">
<div class="og-quantity og-wrapper">
{{ 'item_controls_sending' | t }}
<span>{{ order_item.quantity }}</span>
</div>{# /og-freq-quantity-controls #}
</div>{# /og-name-price-controls-container #}
{% endif %}
</div>{# /og-product #}
{% endfor %}
</div>{# /og-shipment-body #}
{# Shipment footer #}
<div class="og-shipment-footer">
<details class="og-mobile og-mobile-payment-shipping">
<div class="og-payment-shipping">
{% include 'billing-shipping-details' %}
<div class="og-total-table-mobile">
{% include 'order-total' %}
{{ 'billing_total_header' | t }} - {{ order.total | currency }}
</details>{# /og-mobile-payment-shipping #}
<div class="og-payment-shipping og-desktop">
{% include 'billing-shipping-details' %}
{% include 'order-total' %}
</div>{# /og-payment-shipping #}
</div>{# /og-shipment-footer #}
The Shipment-body section has 2 sub areas:
product image
name-price controls container

<div class="og-product-image-container">
<img class="og-product-image" loading="lazy" alt="{{ product.name }}" src="{{ product.image_url | if_defined }}" />
<div class="og-name-price-controls-container">
<div class="og-description-and-controls">
<div class="og-product-description">
<h3 class="og-product-name">
<a href="{{ product.detail_url | if_defined }}">{{ product.name }}</a>
<h5 class="og-product-display-name">{{ product.display_name }}</h5>
</div>{# /og-product-description #}
<div class="og-price">
{# The markup within this if block is displayed if the final #}
{# price represents a discount from the original price #}
{% if order_item.show_original_price %}
<span class="og-base-unit-price">{{ order_item.price | currency }}</span>
{% endif %}
<span class="og-final-unit-price">{{ (order_item.total_price / order_item.quantity) | currency }}</span>
<span>{{ 'product_price_each' | t }}</span>
</div>{# /og-price #}
</div>{# /og-description-and-controls #}
{# Quantity control #}
<div class="og-freq-quantity-controls">
<div class="og-quantity og-wrapper">
{{ 'item_controls_sending' | t }}
<span>{{ order_item.quantity }}</span>
</div>{# /og-freq-quantity-controls #}
</div>{# /og-name-price-controls-container #}
Shipment footer

{# Shipment footer #}
<div class="og-shipment-footer">
<details class="og-mobile og-mobile-payment-shipping">
<div class="og-payment-shipping
{% include 'billing-shipping-details' %}
<div class="og-total-table-mobile">
{% include 'order-total' %}
{{ 'billing_total_header' | t }} - {{ order.total | currency }}
</details>{# /og-mobile-payment-shipping #}
<div class="og-payment-shipping og-desktop">
{% include 'billing-shipping-details' %}
{% include 'order-total' %}
</div>{# /og-payment-shipping #}
</div>{# /og-shipment-footer #}

<details class="og-mobile og-mobile-payment-shipping">
<div class="og-payment-shipping">
{% include 'billing-shipping-details' %}
<div class="og-total-table-mobile">
{% include 'order-total' %}
{{ 'billing_total_header' | t }} - {{ order.total | currency }}
</details>{# /og-mobile-payment-shipping #}
This section is pulling in the file billing-shipping-details.liquid
and it will output in place of this snippet {% include 'billing-shipping-details' %}
{% if payment %}
{% set payment_will_be_expired = (payment.orders | find(id=order.public_id)) | get('payment_will_be_expired') %}
{% set payment_method_names = 'payment_method_names' | t %}
<div class="og-billing">
<div class="og-footer-header">
{{ 'shipment_unsent_footer_billing_header' | t }}
<div class="og-billing-details-container">
{% if not 'cc_recycling_enabled' | setting %}
{% if payment.is_expired %}
<div class="og-payment-is-expired">
{{ 'payment_is_expired' | t }}
{% elseif payment_will_be_expired %}
<div class="og-payment-will-be-expired">
{{ 'payment_will_be_expired' | t }}
{% elseif payment.is_expiring %}
<div class="og-payment-is-expiring">
{{ 'payment_is_expiring' | t }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div og-payment-id="{{payment.public_id}}">
<span class="og-payment-type">{{ payment.cc_type }} {{ payment_method_names[payment.payment_method] }}</span>
{% if payment.cc_number_ending %}
<span class="og-payment-last-4">{{ 'form_billing_ending_in' | t }}</span>
{% endif %}
<div class="og-payment-expiration-date">
{% if payment.public_id %}
<span class="og-exp-date">{{ 'form_billing_expiration_date' | t }}</span>
{% endif %}
</div>{# /og-billing-details-container #}
{% if 'external_payment_enabled' | setting %}
<a class="og-link og-edit-payment" href="{{ 'external_payment_url' | setting }}">{{ 'shipment_unsent_footer_billing_edit' | t }}</a>
{% elseif 'platform' | setting('shopify') == 'shopify' %}
{% include 'change-billing-shopify-only' %}
{% endif %}
</div>{# /og-billing #}
{% endif %}

<div class="og-payment-shipping og-desktop">
{% include 'billing-shipping-details' %}
</div>{# /og-payment-shipping #}
This section is pulling in the file billing-shipping-details.liquid
and from that file will output the following:
{# Shipping info #}
{% if shipping_address %}
<div class="og-shipping">
<div class="og-footer-header">
{{ 'shipment_unsent_footer_shipping_header' | t }}
<div class="og-shipping-address-container" og-address-id="{{shipping_address.public_id}}">
<div class="og-address-name">{{ shipping_address.first_name }}
{{ shipping_address.last_name }}</div>
<div class="og-address-line-1">{{ shipping_address.address }}</div>
<div class="og-address-line-2">{{ shipping_address.address2 }}</div>
<div class="og-address-city-state-zip">
{{ shipping_address.city }}, {{ shipping_address.state_province_code }}
{{ shipping_address.zip_postal_code }}
{% include 'change-shipment-address' %}
</div>{# /og-shipping #}
{% endif %}
price grid code is found in order-total.liquid

The order total table is pulled in from the order-total.liquid
file and it's output will happen in place of {% include 'order-total' %}
<div class="og-payment-shipping og-desktop">
{% include 'order-total' %}
</div>{# /og-payment-shipping #}
That output from the order-total.liquid
file will look like this:
{# Order pricing details #}
<div class="og-total-table">
<div class="og-footer-header og-desktop">{{ 'shipment_sent_price_total' | t }}</div>
<table role="grid" class="og-table">
<tr class="og-pricing-line og-shipment-discount-total">
<th class="og-total-label" scope="row">{{ 'shipment_sent_price_autosave' | t }}</th>
<td class="og-total-value">{{ order.discount_total | currency }}</td>
<tr class="og-pricing-line og-shipment-sub-total">
<th class="og-total-label" scope="row">{{ 'shipment_sent_price_subtotal' | t }}</th>
<td class="og-total-value">{{ order.sub_total | currency }}</td>
<tr class="og-pricing-line og-shipment-shipping-total">
<th class="og-total-label" scope="row">{{ 'shipment_sent_price_shipping' | t }}</th>
<td class="og-total-value">{{ order.shipping_total | currency }}</td>
<tr class="og-pricing-line og-shipment-total">
<th class="og-total-label" scope="row">{{ 'shipment_sent_price_total' | t }}*</th>
<td class="og-total-value">{{ order.total | currency }}</td>
<div class="og-shipment-total-footer">{{ 'total_box_disclaimer' | t }}</div>
</div>{# /og-total-table #}
Updated about 1 year ago