Manage Ordinal Rotating Product

Create Rotating Product



✔️ Application API Scope

✖️ Storefront API Scope

Ordinal Selection Rule Validations

There are 3 validation rules for defining Ordinal Selection Rules:

  1. You must define at least one selection rule with a starting_ordinal of 0. This represents the delivery product associated with the checkout order.
  2. starting_ordinals must be in the set of natural numbers, meaning they must be non-negative integers.
  3. The starting_ordinal must be unique amongst all of the Selection Rules associated with the Rotating Product Subscription.

If validation fails no changes will be made to the product and no Selection Rules will be created, updated or deleted.

How to setup Ordinal Based Rotation using this API

  1. Choose an existing Standard or Rotating Product, if you don’t have one yet you will need to create one before you proceed with this configuration.
  2. Decide which selection rules you want to add, update or delete:
    1. All the rule validation explained above apply here, meaning that if you don’t follow them your update won't happen;
    2. Your changes will be reflected in all order items that haven’t had their Order Reminder sent or gone through the Send Now flow;
    3. You can add a new selection rule;
    4. You can delete an existing selection rule;
    5. You can update an existing selection rule with a different product and or starting date;
  3. Hit the API with the configuration, and the Ordinal Rotating Product setup is complete.

Response Body Definitions

array of objectsArray of object that reflect the current rotation configurationssee below