Webhooks 2.0 is an enhanced version of Ordergroove’s current webhook offering. It allows a merchant to combine multiple data points into a single webhook response.
What is the benefit of this version of webhooks?
Ordergroove’s webhook version prior to 2.0 would require additional API calls to get additional information such as shipping address, subscription extra_data, or customer information. Now, you can configure which data points are valuable to receive in a single webhook notification!
Accessing the webhooks configurator
We'll be using the webhooks configuration interface. You can access it through your Ordergroove Admin:
- Log in to Ordergroove.
- Go to Developers on the top toolbar, and select Webhooks.
- Click + CREATE WEBHOOK to begin
- Select which events you want to receive webhook notification for and any additional webhooks data that you want included in the payload. For example, an order event will only contain order level information. If you select to add subscription and item level data, that will also be sent in the payload of the webhook.
Order and Item level data cannot be added to subscriber or subscription events at this time. Adding subscription level data to order and item level events is supported in the Alpha of webhooks 2.0.
Payload Structure
The additional webhooks data selected during configuration will be sent in the snapshot object within the payload. See example:
"id": "mmmm4444nnnn3333pppp",
"type": "subscriber.create",
"created": 1622589211,
"data": {
"object": {
"type": "subscriber",
// ... (existing subscriber data)
"snapshot": {
"customer": {},
"subscriptions": [...],
"orders": [...],
"items": [...],
"products": [...],
"addresses": [...],
"payments": [...]
The Snapshot Object
This object will include the additional selected data during configuration of the webhook. The customer object within snapshot will be a single customer since all webhooks can only be tied to one customer. The subscriptions, orders, items, addresses, payments, and product objects will always be a list object even if there is only one object within the list. Example:
"snapshot": {
"customer": {
"id": "00026001",
"public_id": "c4cd7f86ccc411e8ada3bc764e101db1",
"first_name": "Nathan",
"last_name": "Torres",
"address": "75 Broad St Fl 23",
"address2": null,
"city": "New York",
"state_province_code": "NY",
"zip_postal_code": "10004-2487",
"phone": "3154055372",
"fax": null,
"country_code": "US",
"live": true,
"created": "2018-10-10 14:43:32",
"token_id": null,
"store_public_id": null
"subscriptions": [{
"customer": "00026001",
"merchant": "ac4f7938383a11e89ecbbc764e1107f2",
"product": "0070067689",
"payment": "443ddf72094711e9a5afbc764e1043b0",
"shipping_address": "394aee16d61611e88b4abc764e1043b0",
"offer": "a748aa648ac811e8af3bbc764e106cf4",
"subscription_type": "replenishment",
"components": [],
"extra_data": {},
"public_id": "0ff0f88accc511e8b6c0bc764e106cf4",
"product_attribute": null,
"quantity": 4,
"price": null,
"frequency_days": 120,
"reminder_days": 10,
"every": 4,
"every_period": 3,
"start_date": "2018-12-27",
"cancelled": null,
"cancel_reason": null,
"cancel_reason_code": null,
"iteration": null,
"sequence": null,
"session_id": "ac4f7938383a11e89ecbbc764e1107f2.896371.1539022086",
"merchant_order_id": "2906548",
"customer_rep": null,
"club": null,
"created": "2018-10-10 14:45:38",
"updated": "2019-01-17 12:09:23",
"live": true
"orders": [{
"merchant": "ac4f7938383a11e89ecbbc764e1107f2",
"customer": "00026001",
"payment": "070001bc02fd11e99542bc764e1043b0",
"shipping_address": "66c25cd0564011e9abc5bc764e107990",
"public_id": "c4e05d04ccc411e8ada3bc764e101db1",
"sub_total": "22.90",
"tax_total": "0.00",
"shipping_total": "5.99",
"discount_total": "21.08",
"total": "28.89",
"created": "2018-10-10 14:43:32",
"place": "2019-06-06 12:08:37",
"cancelled": "2019-04-05 12:13:32",
"tries": 1,
"generic_error_count": 0,
"status": 1,
"type": 1,
"order_merchant_id": "",
"rejected_message": "",
"extra_data": "",
"locked": false,
"oos_free_shipping": false
"items": [{
"order": "45c27952cd9211e8855abc764e106cf4",
"offer": null,
"subscription": "6199282ccd8f11e88267bc764e106cf4",
"product": "0070067698",
"components": [],
"quantity": 1,
"public_id": "45c39ceccd9211e8855abc764e106cf4",
"product_attribute": null,
"price": "79.99",
"extra_cost": "0.00",
"total_price": "35.99",
"one_time": false,
"frozen": false,
"first_placed": null
"products": [{
"merchant": "ac4f7938383a11e89ecbbc764e1107f2",
"groups": [],
"name": "Wild Yam Root 405mg",
"price": "6.99",
"image_url": "https://staging-web-vitaminworld.demandware.net/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-vitaminworld-master/default/dwafa9ff17/images/2017/000030.jpg",
"detail_url": "https://staging-web-vitaminworld.demandware.net/s/vitaminworld_us/wild-yam-root-405mg-0070000030.html",
"external_product_id": "0070000030",
"sku": "0070000030",
"autoship_enabled": false,
"premier_enabled": 0,
"created": "2018-07-24 10:06:10",
"last_update": "2018-11-20 10:48:00",
"live": false,
"discontinued": false,
"offer_profile": null,
"extra_data": null,
"incentive_group": null,
"product_type": "standard",
"autoship_by_default": false,
"every": 2,
"every_period": 2
"addresses": [{
"customer": "00026001",
"public_id": "c4cd7f86ccc411e8ada3bc764e101db1",
"label": null,
"first_name": "Nathan",
"last_name": "Torres",
"company_name": null,
"address": "75 Broad St Fl 23",
"address2": null,
"city": "New York",
"state_province_code": "NY",
"zip_postal_code": "10004-2487",
"phone": "3154055372",
"fax": null,
"country_code": "US",
"live": true,
"created": "2018-10-10 14:43:32",
"token_id": null,
"store_public_id": null
"payments": [{
"customer": "00026001",
"billing_address": "c4cfc106ccc411e8ada3bc764e101db1",
"cc_number_ending": null,
"public_id": "c4d1d4e6ccc411e8ada3bc764e101db1",
"label": null,
"token_id": "5CA94EAA-AADE-4918-ABEE-8C8531411BAE",
"cc_holder": null,
"cc_type": 1,
"cc_exp_date": "02/2020",
"payment_method": "credit card",
"live": false,
"created": "2018-10-10 14:43:32",
"last_updated": "2018-10-10 14:43:32"